In 1899 at the Sons of New Hampshire dinner in Boston, NH Governor Frank Rollins said “I have a scheme. It is this, to have a week in summer set apart to be called Old Home Week and to make it an annual affair.” Rollins founded the Old Home Day Association to form what has since become one of New Hampshire’s most celebrated traditions. The Dorchester Old Home Day Committee continued that tradition and organized an amazing day in celebration for Dorchester's 250th Birthday. Thank you to all the sponsors and volunteers whose hard work and time made this year's event possible. A special thank you to D'Acres for their donation of the big tent and roaster and Rick Sala who donated the pig and his roasting skills. Hannah Gove, wowed the crowd opening the event with her version our National Anthem. The kids parade followed with Rumney's Fire Truck, animals, antique cars and our very own Town Clucks. Thank you to the Cardigan Mountain Tradition Bluegrass Band and the Fiddlehead Field Kids Orchestra for their great music and entertainment. Dorchester's Birthday Party was a big hit!
Aug 28, 2022